

Apparently my post for yesterday didn't show up.
What the fuck? Not only is there no record of it (i.e. saved drafts)
I have no way to prove it existed.
What I do know is that
in the morning I posted an update.
Later when I arrived at work yesterday I read that it was still up.
Then I left work early because I felt like total shit.
Yes, this is total bullshit.

Apparently, there is something wrong blogspot, more information here:
Blogger Buzz: Blogger is back: "What a frustrating day. We’re very sorry that you’ve been unable to publish to Blogger for the past 20.5 hours. We’re nearly back to normal..."

Well, it's great to know how frustrated they are, and I'm sure if the butt-plugs were removed they'd be able to solve this without Scooby-Doo. Anymore bullshit, and I'd say Sony's Playstation Network has competition!

This kind of news also reminds me of how nasty my phlegm is, which is a great segue to link you porn.
But I'll hold that thought for now, unlike the phlegm
that is competing with Ron Jeremy's career
over the past ten years in man-sauce volume.

I stayed up until about 12pm, and then woke up at 6pm for two hours, then went back to sleep until about 11am this morning. The pounding in my head has left, but otherwise things are still shitty. I missed out on being the adult ESL tutor today, because I'm so fucking sick.
I love tutoring the little bastards,
because they're funny
and they really want to learn English.

I'm serious, I enjoy these people more than I do my own,
at least these people are doing more than just being alive.

I had strange dreams of a philosophical nature
which I will assess at a later time.
Beyond the normal repugnant shit that I think of.

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