
2011年5月21日 Circumcise your children NOW

Or this could end up happening [link].

Frankly, that video is another reason why I feel like a good portion (98%) of Japanese men are unable to actually love and respect women, beyond using them as disposable fuck-bags. In Japan I used to joke about un-cut dicks that have the ability to accumulate enough smegma to the point where a person could make and chew bubble-gum with it.
Now it seems totally possible.

According to Wikipedia*:
"[Smegma] is thought to be rich in squalene[8] [...]" 
And in regards to squalene: 
"[Squalene] is a natural organic compound originally obtained for commercial purposes primarily from shark liver oil, though plant sources (primarily vegetable oils) are used as well, including amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, and olives." 
So much for the go organic craze!
Just take a look - or second look, thirds are welcomed too - at that poor woman's face in the video!
I'll totally think twice about sharing food in Japan, or anywhere else for that matter. Also, don't forget to slice your children's foreskin off, professionally of course. Eating it is optional, so contact your local/state local government about the legalities of such.

*Don't give me bullshit about Wikipedia. 
I bet you've used it within the past year, 
at least once to look up some stupid band's discography.

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