

The day continued, or started rather.
I awake to little discomfort, though it lingers and I can almost bend down to 90 degrees. It's important that I get close to this number, as it's reasonably difficult to enter a car if such a feat cannot be accomplished. I think I fell asleep at around 4am or so. At least I'm getting more sleep than before, and thankfully some of it was actually sound sleep!

My dreams seem to be talking to me more often, because the first thought I have when I wake up is that:

I am growing increasingly disappointed with people's desire to negate personal responsibility for a chance to have the joys of life. I mean such as a pejorative, in the sense that joy and happiness require responsibility and care at all times. Omission of such only proves the task or situation at hand has evolved only into something that is pleasure based and fleeting, which is a lot like masturbation for some reason... Or this video.

Don't blame me, I didn't make a super soaker look like some kind of
Awkward Alien Rhino Penis.
On that note, how the fuck are any of these kids "super soak(ed)"?
I've seen some serious bukkake videos and those are reasonably comparable.

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