
2011年5月30日 One should forget about the meaning of holidays

Today is Memorial Day. It is the day where people in the United States take time to acknowledge those who have sacrificed so much for this country: life, limb, and liberty. It is also a day, where I like to forget about all of that shit by getting drunk and having a burger with chips. 

Most people tend to agree with my mentality on this issue privately; and although at times I don't always subscribe to it myself, nothing is better than remembering those who have given up so much for this country by having a barbecue with one's own apathetic and non-patriotic friends.

Of course there are people who do remember those who have and did make the sacrifice, but most of those people who remember such are dismissed as watchers of Fox-News, which is a whole entire different can of worms (covered in shit from 2 girls 1 cup).

As for remembering, most people probably think of something like the following.- 
Not the beach Bill is going to this weekend.

Bill: "Hey don't we have Monday off?"
Douche-bag co-worker: "Yeah dude, it's Memorial Day!"
Bill: "Sounds great, maybe I'll take the family to the beach!"

In the end, without even taking the time to assess this issue, I would have never even bothered to call my grandpa and thank him for killing Koreans and Chinese more than almost 60 years ago. 
How the fuck else do I thank him for such?
His stories of burning flesh and temperatures that were extremely cold made me happy that I am just a poor stupid civilian with some access to cable TV. 

He once told me after the war when he was back in his hometown, somewhere in Ohio. One day it was around 20 Fahrenheit (-6.6 Celsius) outside, plus whatever wind-chill. He said compared to Korea, it was pretty warm, and he'd go outside without his jacket for a smoke. His family must have thought he was crazy. Maybe he was fed-up with listening to goat-roping music? Who knows?

What I do know, is that Memorial Day is the day where we ought to forget the meaning behind such, because in the end no one really gives a fuck about veterans and the like, and this is because most of those veterans are considered idiots for joining the military anyway. It's unfortunate, but usually true, especially in an apathetic society with no balls, such as major cities in the USA (New York, Chicago, LA, etc). Now let's take a moment of our time to get drunk and forget about the meaning of this holiday, just like Christmas.

On a side note, it was funny to hear my grandpa get told by Japanese prostitutes, before he was deployed to Korea, that Japanese men have small penises compared to the Americans*.
*Doesn't include Canada or Mexico: "Fuck you guys!"


2011年5月28-29日 Finnish Sauna Finished

An example of typical Swedish people*,
who dislike sauna.
I love Finnish sauna. The taste of beer, which you can taste either while drinking in a sauna or by pouring a slight amount into a ladle that already has some water, and then releasing the contents onto the super-heated rocks, is fantastic. The smell of watered-beer steam is quite good and frankly any claims of douche-baggery that contests such probably comes from someone with either no dick or no self-esteem.

Finnish sauna is the reason why I neglected posting for the 28th, and although it wasn't intentional that missed out, I don't feel too bad that I did. Lately I have been having a hard time wondering about what is the right thing to post and what is the wrong thing. In the end I find that posting nothing is worse than actually posting something.
This is a another reason why I dislike with whole-hearted sincerity MURAKAMI HARUKI as a writer. I find most of his material to be quite facile, flacid, testicle-less, and yet done in such as way that it accommodates sheepish people, in emotions and behaviorisms. While his commentary reflects people's actions and thoughts as a whole (sheepishly for sheepish people), I find that nothing really is achieved in a sense of personal responsibility.
I wonder if this behavior is done because Murakami Haruki and his wife are in love with the same man: himself. I think anyone who has an opportunity financially to raise children outside of poverty, and does not do such (i.e. doesn't have children), tends to orient his or herself towards some kind of selfish idealism. That idealism will never be achieved, completed, or accommodated through application of such either.
In the end, just like a small penis, Murakami will probably find himself desiring more in and out of his life or he'll end up pissed off and insecure like most people with small-penis-syndrome.

I am surprised he hasn't bought a big truck yet.
And yes, the link is SFW (Safe for Women), because they don't have dicks.

I think about these things in the sauna, and I think about the quality of life. In fact, I do not think there has been a time where I have been in a sauna, except alone, and where I have not discussed the quality of life. Finnish saunas, to me, equate to a place where one can quietly contemplate about things. For a room without mirrors it certainly allows one to reflect on a lot of things. Such as one's own nakedness, as I'm not going in a sauna with a fucking towel at 90+ Celsius (194.0 Fahrenheit). 

*Not an accurate representation of anything related to Sweden or its people, although it might apply to Romanian gypsies.

Edit: And sauna happens to help the joints, which is why in lieu of marijuana I am for them (sauna).


2011年5月27日 "Fuck" #001

There are some things in life that genuinely merit such commentary, or said expression.
"Fuck." Happens to be one of those things that works well with just about anything, and frankly those who choose not to say it, ought to think of some variant, like "Shitting in Tupperware!"
It should not surprise anyone that some people have apparently attempted it - shitting in Tupperware.
Go fucking Google it [link], as one should never take my word for it!

Today is one of those days that make me feel like, "Fuck this sucks."
I had intended to write about my adult ESL fuckers, but in the end I am writing about the quality of life since my knee is negating all potential patience. The burning just makes me a grouchy-fucker, and quite snappy. I cannot drive very well when my knee hurts, because I cannot focus on potential dangers.
More depressing is that I cannot even get that far if I cannot get into a goddamn car.

An accurate representation of pain.

Today is a "Fuck." day.


2011年5月26日 Freedom from oppression, or just another way to say "Fuck you whitey/nigger/gook/insert ethnicity" without malice.

Is hateful material permitted on Blogger?
And yes, this whole entry is worth reading,
as the alternatives are jacking off, 
which might not be that bad, on second thought.
Blogger strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe that having a variety of perspectives is an important part of what makes blogs such an exciting and diverse medium. With that said, there are certain types of content that are not allowed on Blogger. While Blogger values and safeguards political and social commentary, material that promotes hatred toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity is not allowed on Blogger.
This is the sign Jesus showed
the Jews, according to John 2:18,
when He was pissed off.
  • What does this mean? 
  • Wait, it doesn't say anything about fat or ugly people, so they're fair game? 
  • Does it mean we can't make racist or religious jokes?
  • Does it mean that Blogger is a bunch of total bullshit when it comes to believing strongly in freedom of speech?
Hell yes it is, and it's funny because I'm not angry or filled with hate.

So if Hitler never said that he hated the Jews and they all should die, his behavior is excusable?
Let's define hate according to Webster:
That was easy!

2011年5月25日 "You're listening to Chicago"

Yes, you too can listen to
and the enjoyable dialog regarding when people are going to take their lunch, along with domestic violence. 
"...So your lunch will be from 10:30 to 11:30."
"I'm gonna see what this person wants. They're going to be really happy when I get there." 
Both are actual dialog from separate people at separate times on the radio, but I find the latter to be the most entertaining.

Here's more information about how fucked up Chicago is as a city.

"It's a tough neighborhood."

No shit lady!
From Chicago to Portland, Oregon is roughly 2,120 miles (3,412 kilometers).

But wait! 
There's more.

New York, L.A. San Francisco, and Montréal are also radio bands one can also listen in on.
I didn't even mention that there is an "ambient" music button, so that you can listen to music while listening to how depressing the quality of life can become.


2011年5月24日 Today I erased a part of your life

It's amazing what a polymer and metal shredder can do, especially if the waste bin requires trash bags that several small children could fit inside (after dismemberment).

25 years of records, custom rainbow checks, pay stubs, electricity and gas bills, and the like, all gone in an hour and an half. I erased someone's life, and while most people would say that's unimportant, it makes me wonder.
Why don't financial records matter?
Wouldn't the amount of money going to X-place, for Y-reason matter?
Via, http://xpanicx.deviantart.com/
As far as I'm concerned when I address my own financial records I'm assessing what I need to live in this society, along with my other miscellaneous wants or desires outside of the necessities.

And now 25 years of your life, are gone, things you thought about, spent several hours, maybe even months working on. All  your records, all your charts about financial information. Your little doodles on the custom pages you made. I erased it, and in a sense, unless you're passing on your DNA: I erased a part of you.
Just like all other memories, are we erasing them to make life easier?
Is it worth it, to erase ourselves so that we can remove any trace of despondency?
Today is filled with more questions than answers.

2011年5月23日 Career Goals

I think about careers and career choices often. Actually I was thinking when I'd discuss this, which began several weeks ago in my head. Then I started watching House today, I realized how relevant it is for today (or what's left of it).

Are careers above others are actually worth it at some-point? Or is the opposite better, since relationships, good ones ideally, usually last until one party dies?
Careers usually end when people are at a certain age. Very few people pick a career and stick with it until they die, and usually these people tend to avoid their children and spouses, outside of the obligatory events such as dinner and holidays.

It is better to be single if one is going to have a career they enjoy above others.

I believe that when one loves their career it is because he or she is trying to love his or her self, and this becomes problematic when one allows their love to become tainted with pride or when it hinders the relationships one has with others.

Is there an opportunity for success without the intentional harming of others?
At what point does penance and contrition allow us an opportunity for resolution or clarity?

And it if does not matter if these issues are addressed, then how are we deserving of such happiness?

"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." -A quote taken from Babylon 5

Like most days, today I go to sleep with no clear answers in the end.


2011年5月22日 Dreams

The worst part about waking up in the morning is the act itself.

Waking up in the middle of a dream, to me, is
quite depressing and it is something that can be painful.
Yet, it is just as beautiful as someone 
whose love is built on the foundation of a lie.


2011年5月21日 Circumcise your children NOW

Or this could end up happening [link].

Frankly, that video is another reason why I feel like a good portion (98%) of Japanese men are unable to actually love and respect women, beyond using them as disposable fuck-bags. In Japan I used to joke about un-cut dicks that have the ability to accumulate enough smegma to the point where a person could make and chew bubble-gum with it.
Now it seems totally possible.

According to Wikipedia*:
"[Smegma] is thought to be rich in squalene[8] [...]" 
And in regards to squalene: 
"[Squalene] is a natural organic compound originally obtained for commercial purposes primarily from shark liver oil, though plant sources (primarily vegetable oils) are used as well, including amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, and olives." 
So much for the go organic craze!
Just take a look - or second look, thirds are welcomed too - at that poor woman's face in the video!
I'll totally think twice about sharing food in Japan, or anywhere else for that matter. Also, don't forget to slice your children's foreskin off, professionally of course. Eating it is optional, so contact your local/state local government about the legalities of such.

*Don't give me bullshit about Wikipedia. 
I bet you've used it within the past year, 
at least once to look up some stupid band's discography.

2011年5月20日 ESL Filth

Today in class we had a scenario that involved the following:
A picture of a black-man in front of a counter, while behind the counter was a white-male who appeared to be 60+ years old on the phone. Neither were smiling.

Before we listened to the audio, which I found transcribed online (but not the picture), the teacher asked "What does Assefa want from Dino?" The situation appeared very simple with a guy named Dino, the owner of a diner; and Assefa, who wants something from Dino.
From memory I believe the questions were:
(A): Assefa wants a Hamburger
(B): Assefa wants a job
(C): Assefa wants to use the phone.
"(D): Assefa wants to rob Dino!" I almost blurted out, hiding behind my smile.
Then the audio began, and went something like:

Assefa: I noticed the “Help Wanted” sign. I’d like to apply for a job.
Dino: OK. Which job?
Assefa: Well, I’m a cook. I can make great hamburgers.
Dino: Can you make pizza?
Assefa: No, I can’t make pizza, but I can learn.
Dino: Good. As you can see, this place is really busy...

Some how I feel like Assefa's job should have started up like the first 80 seconds of this & the full clip of this.

Thank you YouTube, for expressing the disgusting nature of my feelings.


2011年5月19日 The sun this morning was like a big black lady

This morning I woke up and felt for the first time in a week plus or so that my life did not revolve around a metaphor relating to pre-ejaculation. I was able to move around with relative ease and found no significant resistance towards mobility. My knee seemed flexible and ready to start the day, just like ideal encounters with sexual-enter-course. Yes it's enter-course, because some part of me IS going to enter and exit at some point (repeated 300x). I did not feel as if I was getting ready for school only to be overcome by soreness in my knee, as such would have negated my ability to go to school, just like pre-ejaculation negates one's ability to proceed with orgasmic sexual encounters. One of those things is actually entertaining and worth laughing at.

Outside I realize how intensely bright and dominating the sun was this morning. At 6:50am the sun appeared as if it was about ready to whoop some cracker-ass in to shape, if that certain cracker didn't get his ass to work and school. The sun to me represented one of those black ladies who genuinely enjoy sex as much, if not more than men, but is unwilling to suck a dick outside of birthdays and special circumstances.

I just now realized that I can spell "circus" with circumstances, and "Cum-Stances," which is no better than the kung-fu movie "Snake-Crane Secret". Think of your own innuendos, I know I have, and it doesn't involve pulling a snake out of the ass of a crane. I haven't seen a sun or black lady like this since Japan, except in Japan I don't think I saw a single black lady in the traditional American sense of what I'm trying to express. But I digress....

Honest to God, I was looking for a cloud to save me from this weather, as I knew no blanket or hiding in the apartment all day would save me, but just like a large black lady I could almost hear the sun whispering all around me, "NUH-Uhh Baby, you ain't gonna mess around now." With that, I got on the train to work wondering about whether or not the sun, if it genuinely were a large black lady, would cook breakfast that did not involve grits, grease, or something served cold. While my stereo-type might be questionable, take a serious look at Tyler Perry's Mabel "Madea" Simmons, before you crack the whip on me. While holding that thought, at least let me put the ball gag in my mouth first before you consider the intellectual witch-hunt and whipping to begin.

Nonetheless the sun came out, and so far the day is okay, except for the two packages of nuts I put in my mouth for a substitute for breakfast and lunch. I masticated those nuts until they felt tender and warm. My saliva accommodated them gently down my throat, although the saltiness left me a little parched, I did not mind since I had some Mountain Dew, yet warm, which almost negates the purpose of relieving the dryness of my throat.

On top of my sub-sexual relationship with the nuts that is just as serious as Bill and Hillary Clinton maintaining a sexual relationship since 1995, CNN this morning was a disappointment. Even now I wonder how CNN's Head-Line News could be considered a legitimate cable TV channel.


2011年5月18日 Finally

A post I made on the 12th, finally showed up.
You can find it under, 05/12 titled as 2011年5月12日 Phlegm.

Yesterday class was fucked off again for the 3rd consecutive time, since I could barely walk or concentrate. I gimped home, then to my mom's house where I pounded some ibuprofen (I think around 1200mg +) to cable TV, which I don't have. Falling asleep around 3pm, I later woke up this morning at around 8am. I slept for 17 hours and had dreams about helicopter-gunships, which later turned into little remote control helicopters, but not before a group of us did strafing runs to blow up oil refineries, train yards, and trains. Then somehow I saw my ex-girlfriend, who seemed weirded out to see me. We stared at each other, not really sure what to say, and partially embarrassed. Some Japanese dude came to me and started explaining something about water purification in English. Before I woke up I was in tribal Africa. I had no idea how I had dreams like this or the relationship to such dreams. I can guess for the girlfriend part, but the helicopter part and Africa I have no idea whatsoever, maybe it's R.U.F related? I mean, I saw Predators a couple of nights ago, so that could explain Africa. In actuality it's probably the two students in my ESL class from west Africa that reminded me of Africa, since I tutored Monday.

Beyond the dreams, the knee this morning gave me no pain, but stiffness was there again. Yesterday was extremely painful, and I tend to think about ways to effectively express how torture could be applied to a person, due to the pain I feel myself. I don't condone torture, but I wonder if inflicting pain on a person is actually effective for breaking said person, or maybe it's better to break the person watching the torture? 

Who said torture is done to break the person under such violence?
I wonder if life is the same.
Do we break each other because
we believe the other person deserves it?
Or do we break each other,
so that others watching 
are put in their place?
"It tickles!"



This morning I woke up at 4:55am to the alarm clock and stiffness on the living room couch. The previous night Wainwright and I passed out to Black Sun. Yes I was able to sleep soundly to a man aborting a woman's baby with a bayonet. I limped over to my room and exactly at 5:05am the neighbor's baby started crying. Now I would have slept well, if I was already asleep, but I was awake, so it's hard to get back to sleep.

When I woke up again it was 6:33 and the stiffness remained.
It lingered and caused me more problems throughout my day, chipping away my mobility. Now because the pain is un-ignorable, I am debating if I should flee to home where can I lie down in the burning company of suffering.

I've been checked in only 6 moves.
"I probably deserve this," I said to my coworker this morning. "Don't say that." She said to me. I smiled and mentioned how fun it is in actuality. My existence (with PVNS) affirms that suffering exists, and that affirmation also provides the negation for a capacity of focused love or consideration.

The worst part of all of this is that the more I try to verbalize depending on the audience, my train of thought is constantly derailed, with no survivors.

2011年5月16日 You thought your life was bad?

Through the wall: WAAAHHHHHH!!
Wainwright: What the fuck?!

Looking at the clock he realizes it is somewhere around 6am in the morning. His eyes haven't even opened up yet and like clockwork the sound of a baby head first in a blender once again wakes him up through the wall. Mind you this baby's room isn't even adjacent to his own!

Wainwright: Fuck this.

He hammers the wall with the strength of Perkele (or Thor if you don't know Perkele). From what he said I was under the impression my .45 AUTO had some competition. I don't even think the Goatse Girl was pounded as hard as the wall.
Results have yet to come in. Pun intended. (Efukt NSFA= Not-Safe-For-Anything)

Neighbor chick: (Yelling through the wall) DON'T FUCKING BANG ON THE WALL, COME OVER AND FUCKING ASK ME (unintelligible)...

Wainwright: (under the breath) Fuck you bitch, if you didn't want kids close your fucking legs! (Under his breath continued) Why the fuck would I want to get up, put clothes on, and walk to your apartment at 6am to tell your fucking blended babies to shut the fuck up?!

My roommate is super pissed, on top of not hearing back from his probable/future employer, and we both know  that weight of silence from the prior is taking its toll. At this rate, I EXPECT him to walk over to the neighbor's at 5:30 and genuinely give that baby something to fucking scream about. If the kid was retarded, we could understand, but the kid ain't (from what I can see). I mean the poor fucker isn't eating his own shit or flinging it, although that would be fucking hilarious, for the first 10 minutes, and then it would probably start to smell....

This has all been happen since we've lived here, and thankfully I sleep soundly. I am well awake when the baby starts crying so for me it's nothing new. I almost laugh, because:

  1. I am not a stupid fucker with children.
  2. All my potential children get flushed down the toilet. If only I could hear them scream! A vortex of damning putrid waters!
  3. At least it's on a regular (almost daily) basis
  4. Free entertainment?
At least my humor remains.



Today is Sunday.
Or what's left of it.

Sunday, or Saturday depending on the weekend, I have a tendency to help my friend's mother and sister with shopping since they don't have a car. The only thing that bothers me is that my friends sister who is 18 wanders around her mother as if she is a lonely puppy. I feel bad for her, because frankly she doesn't appear to have many friends, with the exception of her mom and that doesn't really count. I think this is due to her ability to live an unchallenged life for the most part. She doesn't really appear to have many goals, at least from what I'm aware of so far. Nor does she present a personal view on issues for any great length.

I suppose this reflects some of my own viewpoints on life. I have always felt that people should have some-sort of code or intellectual capacity to describe why one likes this or that. So it is natural to me to feel depressed slightly, when people fail to express their character through words or some kind of form, via art or otherwise.
Most people who like to live a go with the flow kind of mentality also are disappointing with their facileness. The highest disappointment, as always, happens to be my ability to identify such, and yet I yield to the facts that no growth spiritually has been achieved. I suppose that even after some of these people, myself included, have been properly challenged we might be able to see a growth that is quite promising as a whole.



The day continued, or started rather.
I awake to little discomfort, though it lingers and I can almost bend down to 90 degrees. It's important that I get close to this number, as it's reasonably difficult to enter a car if such a feat cannot be accomplished. I think I fell asleep at around 4am or so. At least I'm getting more sleep than before, and thankfully some of it was actually sound sleep!

My dreams seem to be talking to me more often, because the first thought I have when I wake up is that:

I am growing increasingly disappointed with people's desire to negate personal responsibility for a chance to have the joys of life. I mean such as a pejorative, in the sense that joy and happiness require responsibility and care at all times. Omission of such only proves the task or situation at hand has evolved only into something that is pleasure based and fleeting, which is a lot like masturbation for some reason... Or this video.

Don't blame me, I didn't make a super soaker look like some kind of
Awkward Alien Rhino Penis.
On that note, how the fuck are any of these kids "super soak(ed)"?
I've seen some serious bukkake videos and those are reasonably comparable.

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis

I'm most likely going to see the doctor about this because I haven't been able to get very far below 90 degrees, at present, I can't even get close to 90! I'm limping violently, which is a nice way to say I sound like the following when I'm hurting.

I can't concentrate on shit, and it destroys everything. Maybe because I'm a little famished, maybe because I had beer earlier this week. I don't know, but I know I haven't drank since it started hurting, and boy does it hurt. As if the whores of Perkele himself are beating my knee for compensation when I've failed to pay (for substandard Swedish service).

I would amputate above the knee (as I'd have to), if I could only ignore the eyes of disdain from others. Also, who knows if Robo-cop's body is just around the corner or not!? I do know, even you would look at me with sad eyes if I had only a leg and a 1/3.

The constant suffering negates any potential for total compassion, consideration, and kindness. My ability to love another person is temporarily blinded during this pain, as all I can think about is the suffering. Burning. Burning. No smoke. No fire. Nothing, but it's there.

In the end without remedy, the bone will be destroyed over time from the disease, along with any degree or measurement with regards to "quality of life." The only thing left is that I would be alive, but not much humanity, if any, remains after the pain takes over. I suppose that's the worst part about being alive with such. I would cease to be human, but I wouldn't be dead.

I actually am laughing quietly with my a smirk, as I know somehow in another life I must have cut the tendons of an enemy's knee to spite him. Maybe I shot an enemy in the knee? I don't know, but the suffering is here and like unrequited love it will persist until death.

As they say in zombie folklore, "No place is safe, only safer."

There are no painless options for me, only less-pain options.

Haha, idiopathic diseases. Idiopathic problems, I can imagine most of you readers have no idea what it is, unless you watch a lot of medical dramas. If such a thing were to exist in your line of work, people would probably be fired, eventually.

And now I cannot sleep, 
even after 1200mg of ibuprofen and a hot bath.
Fuck of a way to start the day.
& I haven't even had a chance
to get sleep yet.



Apparently my post for yesterday didn't show up.
What the fuck? Not only is there no record of it (i.e. saved drafts)
I have no way to prove it existed.
What I do know is that
in the morning I posted an update.
Later when I arrived at work yesterday I read that it was still up.
Then I left work early because I felt like total shit.
Yes, this is total bullshit.

Apparently, there is something wrong blogspot, more information here:
Blogger Buzz: Blogger is back: "What a frustrating day. We’re very sorry that you’ve been unable to publish to Blogger for the past 20.5 hours. We’re nearly back to normal..."

Well, it's great to know how frustrated they are, and I'm sure if the butt-plugs were removed they'd be able to solve this without Scooby-Doo. Anymore bullshit, and I'd say Sony's Playstation Network has competition!

This kind of news also reminds me of how nasty my phlegm is, which is a great segue to link you porn.
But I'll hold that thought for now, unlike the phlegm
that is competing with Ron Jeremy's career
over the past ten years in man-sauce volume.

I stayed up until about 12pm, and then woke up at 6pm for two hours, then went back to sleep until about 11am this morning. The pounding in my head has left, but otherwise things are still shitty. I missed out on being the adult ESL tutor today, because I'm so fucking sick.
I love tutoring the little bastards,
because they're funny
and they really want to learn English.

I'm serious, I enjoy these people more than I do my own,
at least these people are doing more than just being alive.

I had strange dreams of a philosophical nature
which I will assess at a later time.
Beyond the normal repugnant shit that I think of.


2011年5月12日 Phlegm

Phlegm is probably God's way of telling us to fuck off in terms of enjoying any capacity of sleep. I woke up around 4:30 am because I couldn't stop coughing, so I did what I thought would help: I took a shower. I don't notice too much of a change.

The knee is still giving me bullshit, and periodically with the coughing and motion from coughing, it is bothered. I haven't been able to get more than 3 to 5 hours of sleep since my knee has started hurting, and with the phlegm as acting as a mortar team I don't imagine I'll be getting much anytime in the immediate future.
I saw part of Game of Thrones last night since I'm having trouble concentrating due to my knee and coughing. The hedonistic behavior of that program reminded me why I find people who engage in such to be worthless people. Walking meat-bags of people who like to claim there is some quality to their life. I doubt there is a real quality, versus comparable quantity. I'm hoping the asshole characters somehow die brutally, disembowelment or something that makes one question the origin of Sloppy Joes.



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Fuck Conway Twitty

Online I'm looking at information for my PVNS (goggle it), and somehow I'm listening to Conway Twitty's, "Hello Darlin'"
I almost broke down and cried right on the spot, but since I had to man it up in the workplace/lab, I decided against it.

My knee has been killing me for about two weeks now, maybe longer. I had to drop a class since I missed to many to catch up. When you live 10 miles away from school/work, it's hard to really get to school when you can barely limp around your own place. The pain in my knee reminds me why I hate life: because it's mine.

Yesterday my roommate told me he's moving out within a month or so. Great.
I have to find new housing or something while he gets ready to move and during my finals. No problem there, since I'll end up blasting music his way on a regular basis. It's not like he'll mind since I'm more or less going to be homeless.
