I was going to talk about my recent discovery of the new Gary Numan album which came out on the 15th, who knew?
Yet, here I am talking about something that irritates me to the point where I cannot legitimately trust a person. Please, G-d even(!), forgive how I'm about to write this, but this is a fictional (yeah, right) account of something that happened yesterday.
I'm going to write it as if it is directed at said person.
Okay, first if you feel the way you do, or think the way you do, and back it up with intellectual points, at least have some kind of structure. Telling me you believe something because some organization recognizes it then, telling me you wouldn't recognize X even if that said organization believed it is like saying,"Oh yeah I think racism is bad and if the whole country were against it I would support that, but I wouldn't marry a [nigger]."
Wait what?
Wait what?
That's the best you can do?
X recognizes D3, and you respect X's decision, yet you don't recognize D3 as X does it. So do you really respect X? Fuck no you don't. You're an idiot. And looking down on you in such a way makes me feel miserable.
"Running is totally a sport."
"So then breeding could be a sport?"
X recognizes D3, and you respect X's decision, yet you don't recognize D3 as X does it. So do you really respect X? Fuck no you don't. You're an idiot. And looking down on you in such a way makes me feel miserable.
"Running is totally a sport."
"So then breeding could be a sport?"
"That's not a sport."
Are you fucking serious?
Are you fucking serious?
Alpha males anyone?
Do you really think a person with PVNS is going to "win" against an alpha male?
How is this relevant?
Because alpha males have to be in serious physical shape so that they can exert the energy to "win" over the females, to produce offspring.
Given what you told me alpha males in society 3000+ years ago, or hell, even in the late 1880s in London [link], exerting energy could be considered a sport.
How about sex for that matter?
If two people are having sex, does that mean someone can win and lose?

After some intense love making?
Well, that's what a long bath or shower is for.
Or the after-action-report on the said event, which usually involves cuddling. Imagine this as if it's a post-game assessment like in Football, which is considered a sport. Why can't you even see this?
It's probably because I think and believe you're so stupid, so lazy, and so apathetic for giving up the way you did, or rather, giving up and then assuming I'm at fault for bringing things into question. I want to take away your ability to call yourself intelligent. And after such I'm going to wish that a train falls from the sky and kills me, just so I never have to deal with people like you again.
You sit there, roll your eyes, and yet like so many other people you're really just showing me that you're looking out for "no. 1". As seen here on Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=number 1. You don't care about my questions, you only care about what is going to please me enough to be quiet. When you're unable to answer such, you give up. What you don't understand is that I ask questions for YOU to answer FOR YOU. I'm asking you to share how YOU feel about X or Y subject, with no obligation to even answer it. Just like your eye rolling at my questioning, I am not entitled to be angry or disappointed in you, just as you are with me. Yet you are disappointed in me, and it will just remain as soon as my verbal queries left my lips. You will always despise me for asking questions you would never bother to think of, because you think of them as a bother. Therefore, you assume I am a bother. You don't like structure, you don't like questions, and you don't like people unless they subscribe to your beliefs. And I am there with you on the latter, with the only exception that I want you to be able to explain why you believe in what you do. Unless it is a matter of faith, because no amount of debate or facts would ever change such.
You sit there, roll your eyes, and yet like so many other people you're really just showing me that you're looking out for "no. 1". As seen here on Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=number 1. You don't care about my questions, you only care about what is going to please me enough to be quiet. When you're unable to answer such, you give up. What you don't understand is that I ask questions for YOU to answer FOR YOU. I'm asking you to share how YOU feel about X or Y subject, with no obligation to even answer it. Just like your eye rolling at my questioning, I am not entitled to be angry or disappointed in you, just as you are with me. Yet you are disappointed in me, and it will just remain as soon as my verbal queries left my lips. You will always despise me for asking questions you would never bother to think of, because you think of them as a bother. Therefore, you assume I am a bother. You don't like structure, you don't like questions, and you don't like people unless they subscribe to your beliefs. And I am there with you on the latter, with the only exception that I want you to be able to explain why you believe in what you do. Unless it is a matter of faith, because no amount of debate or facts would ever change such.
When I see people like you,
I want to leave this place here.
When I hear people like you,
I want to bleed my open ear.
When I touch the world you let me visit,
I want G-d to come down, and send me beyond
a place from your reach and His.
I see and hear people like you everyday with alarming levels of apathy that you express, it frustrates and disappoints me since it only makes me tolerant and apathetic.
Like you.
I don't want to be here at all.
I don't need to be here at all.
I don't need to be here at all.
The irritation you give me, makes me happy my closest friends are worth their weight in gold, because at some point they want to understand who they are, they want to understand why they feel the way they do. They want understand their core and express said understanding, to break whatever limitations we already have. No, they don't always want it, but they know they need it.
Unlike you I know this.
Like you, I have yet to achieve such.
Somehow thinking about my closet friends (present or absent) that way makes Gary Numan's new stuff [link] sound great.
Unlike you I know this.
Like you, I have yet to achieve such.
Somehow thinking about my closet friends (present or absent) that way makes Gary Numan's new stuff [link] sound great.
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