
2011年8月2日 Make up your mind

Today was my first day back at work after two weeks.

Round I, FIGHT!
Upon entering the building, I noticed one of my three bosses. He asked me if I was okay to work. I said yes. He then started to rant towards me about how "If it were my call I wouldn't let you come into work." I actually was surprised, because this was the same guy who told me that I shouldn't need to take two weeks off from work. He further trailed off with things such as sitting to long will make me uncomfortable, and I'm "obviously still in pain."

Most of my pain at that very moment was sheer disappointment at his flippity-flop stance on the issue regarding my knee. I must admit, yes I am still in pain and yes it is hard for me to sit still for more than an hour, but I am at work and I can do my job, unlike most people in government today. 

As promised I even brought photos of my surgery for him, all of which are photos of the INSIDE of the knee only. My boss grumbled that he did not want to look at them, probably assuming that it looks horrible (i.e. operating room table, blood, Chuck Norris, etc). Here is the closest online image I can find to pictures of my own surgery. This was the first part of the day that confused me.

Bonus stage, FIGHT!
The second part is with that strange quaint chick I mentioned a while back. The last time I saw her, she was quite cordial and seemingly talkative. Yet today she came in wearing a snow beanie, one that covers the ears and as soon as she came in she said in low startled voice, 

"Oh, uh you startled me," 
My first thought: Uh, I work here bitch. What the fuck? 
"Um, I'm going to study somewhere else." 
Bitch is crrazzy!

This was done in less than 4.36 seconds. I pretty much laughed it off as it provided for cheap entertainment. I'm wondering if she was just freaking out over the fact that she had a goofy looking hat on, or if she is just uncomfortable around me, which if this happens to be the case she literally is the living incarnate of the Narrator in Fight Club.

After she walked out I began laughing inside my mind, as I felt like quality, quantity, and just general nature of her strange mannerisms reminded me of this short 16 second video.

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