
2011年8月25日 Early

I might as well change my name to it, since I'm getting up at around that time.

Waking up early in the morning has been somewhat detrimental towards my health. For one, unless I'm asleep at 10pm, I feel like total shit in the morning. Even now, it's been easily 3 and a half hours since I've been up, but I'm still pretty spent. It's possible I'm not sleeping well due to stress, I still feel sleepy. Really sleepy.

In other news.
I read something that most people would find disturbing, depressing, and just down right wrong. I read somewhere that Jews aren't allowed to attend religious ceremonies other than Jew ones, which basically means if someone was a Jew and their sister was getting married in a Catholic Church, that Jew person couldn't go.

That's pretty hardcore, and for good measure, as hardcore anything, porn included, is generally for the more serious bunch of the human race anyhow.

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