Today the Fozzjen got beef instead of chicken. He must have felt kind of lucky to choose beef. Actually he said that if he got beef this time, he wouldn't have to try or wonder about it later. He can always got back to chicken, which we know has served him well and never has been an issue, except for the chicken. But who gives a fuck about the chicken? It's dead!
Eventually the computer died and I was kind of sad, but when I had a chance to use XP for more than 4 hours I felt like a total moron for waiting so long. I couldn't believe how much easier it was to use and that it didn't fail as much with my epic downloading porn needs. Also, I could customize the theme to resemble what I was used to in terms of color and layout making things a little less alien for me. Of course I knew I could have done this before I started using XP, but I was more or less afraid to relearn something new after getting adjusted to ME.
Unlike other types of software such as MS Office 2003 to MS Office 2010, ME to XP was a necessary step; however, MS Office 2010's layout is all over the fucking place and it's genuinely difficult to navigate coming from a 2003 background. That is an instance of where upgrading actually has made life difficult. But what if life is already difficult and miserable? Like my experience with ME? - No pun intended. Eventually the switch to XP had made my life a less stressful.
Evolution is like that.
When that fails, it's time to fucking smash the computer and start over from scratch.
And no, getting Mac is not the fucking-answer, ever.
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