
2011年7月24日 Drugs

If drugs are supposed to make us feel good, why do I feel like I'm a boat that whose haul was designed around making motion-sickness a common occurrence? Nausea and dizziness permeate my daily life.

Amy Winehouse died. I think in her memory we should change her name to "Drughouse" after a claim states that:
[...]Amy Winehouse's final hours emerged today, with claims that she bought a cocktail of narcotics including cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2018126/Amy-Winehouse-bought-ecstasy-cocaine-ketamine-tragic-death.html#ixzz1T3TPHvQr
I'm always surprised about these kind of articles, because often they say something like, "Well even though she died using all these illegal things, what about the good things she did?" or "Look at her accomplishments she could have done so much!"

What about Hitler?
Seriously I'm not advocating Nazism, but let's examine the good things he did. When Hitler came into power state subsidized travel came into effect. Uh, the Auto-bahn anyone? I'm sure there is at least a quarter of a BILLION Muslims who would also claim that the killing 6 million Jews is a good thing, but personally I am not one of those Muslims (or a Muslim at all).

So coming back full circle to drugs. What's the connection?
This newly discovered video evidence [link] shows that Hitler clearly was manipulated by the destructive power of drugs.

I'm going to lie down.

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