
2011年12月18日 Consistency

People watching TV used to say Mubarak was a bad person and needed to be removed. They used to say the protests were a good thing. In fact, over time without the support of the military which did nothing (too dramatic), the protesters would not have seemingly overthrown Mubarak. 

So with Mubarak gone, why does this happen?

I used to think people saying "This guy is an asshole!" just because the Daily-Show or some other program told them to believe it, including Fox News viewers as well, were just uneducated. Now I think they're insane. Nothing really changes in life. Actually things do change, but they will get worse if they are without a huge justifiable actions that might include a sacrifice.

It would help people who supported the protesters originally to at least continue supporting them, instead of giving up because the military is now cracking down. Consistency anyone?

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