
2012年5月25日 House M.D.

I like House, M.D. but the last episode, Everybody Dies, was a terrible episode. What kind of moron was allowed to write and direct that episode? Jumping back and forth through sequences and other questionable continuity problems made me feel like this episode deserves a "D" for dog-shit.

Surviving the fire and somehow changing "dental" records, was just a bunch of shit.

I will say I did like very end (last 15 seconds). It showed House ending up giving everything up to be with his friend Wilson. If either were homosexuals or if one happened to be female it would be a perfect match in terms of a long-lasting intimate relationship. 

The reason I liked watching that show is because I enjoyed watching how the character Wilson and House interacted. Their friendship is what binds them together, good, bad, and ugly. I think the only good thing that one can take out of this seemingly facile episode is that friendships are extremely important.

This may also be the reason why the show has ZERO characters who are in healthy and physically intimate relationships. All of those types relationships (sexual contact) are doomed to fail within House M.D., because no couple actually enjoys another character's personality once physical contact (sex) is removed. Take away the sexual intimacy, physical contact, and not much is left for couples on this program. The reason I believe that is because no character actually enjoys another character's personality without things such a sex as an incentive.

That is why Wilson and House do well, kind of like Frodo and Sam in The Lord of the Rings. The lesson here is that intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and yes (but not limited to) physical contact needs to be maintained. But I would stress that intellectual, emotional, and spiritual contact are more important from a character or a (real) person's own being rather than a wallet or utilizing one's biology.

Before I pressed PUBLISH POST a girl in one of my classes came to me and asked, 
"What is it to be a human?"
I thought it was funny since I had been writing about things related to that question up until that point. I reminded her that fire-fighters deny biology any time they run into a burning, saving someone else's spawn, or another human who may not be the same race, ethnicity, or blood as their own. Fire-fighters do this. That makes them human in my opinion, to override fear, for the idealization that a human life is a sacred thing.

On that note, I'm again reminded of the very end of House M.D. and Fight Club.
Tyler Durden wisdom:
this is your life, 
and it's ending one minute at a time 
this isn't a seminar 
and this isn't a weekend retreat 
where you are now 
you can't even imagine 
what the bottom will be like 
only after disaster 
can we be resurrected 
it's only after you've lost 
everything that you're free 
to do anything 
nothing is static, 
everything is appalling (evolving), 
everything is 
falling apart 
you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake 
you are the same decaying
organic matter as everything else 
we are all a part of the same compost heap 
we are the all-singing, 
all-dancing crap of the world 
you are not your bank account, 
you are not the clothes you wear 
you are not the contents of your wallet 
you are not your bowel cancer 
you are not your grande latte 
you are not the car you drive 
you are not your fucking khakis 
you have to give up 
you have to realize that someday you will die, 
until you know that you are useless 
I say let me never be complete 
I say may i never be content 
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture 
I say deliver me from clever art 
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth 
I say you have to give up 
I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may

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