A teardrop kissed your lips and so did I
Now when I remember spring, all the joy that love can bring
I will be remembering the shadow of your smile
I need to stop drinking at work, once they said I could drink here, I started brooding often......
As for being around the block,
I suppose my genuine remorse
comes from trusting someone
and not being patient. So
my blemish or mark of Cain is that
unknowable (unless there) regret.
So I feel tainted in that regard. My remorse
is not from people knowing, as I could hide it.
My remorse is that I compromised
my own morals for what I believed
was love, but a combination of that
and desperation plus lust. Certainly
as we read there are people who often are more
attracted by physicality than character.
My unfortunate mistake was the latter.
Had I not known this person
and spent a lot of time with her
it might not have happened.
I was, in my opinion a fool,
to think I could have avoided it.
I know better now, but at a high price.
They say the shallow heal quicker.
But like most QUALITY Americans
my brooding and analytical nature
won't shield me from such
quickly or over night.
Anyhow I wanted that
to be known first,
because when it comes to her,
I can't be unwise or foolish
about her attraction
or my own. Yet I am here
With letters of marque , and if I fail
I would be devastated
to have started a relationship.
I don't think any woman, especially young
should see such misery.